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Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
Discuss your reaction to the Story.How you feel about the content and how you relate to their perspective & experience
- nealeas88Jan 17, 2018Y1They have great views on the depth to which trans equality needs to reach. It is good to hear they try to use their voice and influence to further the cause of trans equality and can be a positive image for others.Like
- Betsy DavidsonJan 16, 2018B1Inspiration seems to be an insufficient description of a man who has overcome such odds in a field that holds such value in the perception of one’s character. What strikes me as most interesting and impressive is that he does not say that LGBTQ rights are his highest priority on his list of changes he wants to make in his community, and the world. Instead, he truly wants to make a change that would help those who are truly in need, from a survivability standpoint. This surprising choice gives me the impression that he really deserves to be in charge of building and sculpting an entire community for the better, which is not an impression often perceived about those in political office. To put the concern for his community’s greatest struggles above his own is admirable and seemingly abnormal these days. Also respectable is his description for why making changes, especially those that he wishes for is such a “two steps forward, one step backward” kind of process. He seems to really understand why humans are resistant to change, and what makes them react so fiercely to new concepts, even if the change benefits them directly. Knowing that this man works to shape communities is comforting - he has a selfless and intelligent conscience, and seems to really understand his purpose and the people on whose behalf he works to create a positive effect.Like
- Brianna HigginsJan 16, 2018Z1I can relate to doing poorly in school because it was too easy. It felt like we were expected to be failures, so why try? Also, I definitely agree about showing nipples. Most platforms don't even allow images of breastfeeding. We can't expect people to be informed and make smart choices if we hide images of their own human form from them.Like